How the Most Important Decision I Made This Year made me 100 Times Happier
The biggest decision I made this year involved actively pursuing ignorance
My life has become dominated by noise. Social media interrupted everything and distracted me from pursuing the things that are most important to me.
At the start of the year I recognised I was distant. From my work, my friends and most importantly my family. It wasn’t because I was busy with something important, it was due to the proliferation of technology to every facet of my life.
Social networks, apps, internet services and instantaneous access to anything I want has made life too convenient.
I needed an eascape
I deleted everything
I burnt my virtual world down. Facebook is gone. Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn deleted. Safari removed. Every single app that stole my time dispatched with an now unavailable.
No more internet on my phone
No more distractions while I should be focused on the things and the people that matter
Immediately I was catapulted into the present
Restrictions are the most valuable tool that goes unused on every iPhone. If you have someone you can trust use them. Lock away the temptations, hide the things that steal your time behind a passcode. Relinquish your dependence on the digital world.
I did
And I immediately felt the rewards
I see the people I love. I hear the questions they ask. I feel the emotion they convey.
Life is for living. Disruption of your life due to consumption of disingenuous nonsense that pollutes your life is optional.
Choose the people who matter
Chose the things that provide the value in your life. Choose the things you love. You can’t regret spending time with the people who love you.
You can detest the time that was stolen by your mobile phone
Mobile technology was the best worst thing that ever happened to us
It made things far mor convenient, but to the detriment of relationships. It has interrupted the things that matter most an replaced it with things that are arbitrary and crass. Technology has stolen our independence and replaces it with a reliance on an algorithmically sorted newsfeed which is designed to steal the largest volume of your attention as possible.
The smartest people in the world are no longer working on big problems
Engineers no longer want to put men on the moon
They want to steal your focus and derail your attention for as long as possible. Advertisement is the route to the easiest and most fruitful revenue in the world.
So don’t let them win
Instead of providing them an opportunity elude them completely
Transform your smart phone back to a dumb phone an feel your potential expand by serval orders of magnitude.