How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome and Change the World
You have a great idea, you’re ready to jump in and your overcome by the fear of paralysis of thought of failure, what do you do next?
You have developed the next Facebook, you are incredibly certain of it, you have crafted a solid business plan, you can see a route to monetization, you have an investor ready to put money into the company to get the ball rolling.
Then you panic.
You certainty evaporates and you are overcome with the most overwhelming sense of paralysis which prevents you from moving forward.
What if you are wrong?
That question is the difference between good and great.
People who are good never relinquish that fear. Instead of investing every atom of their being into the venture they hold back in order to protect their self-esteem if the venture fails.
People hold back excuses in order to shield themselves from their own inadequacy. Our ego’s can only handle so much, when the answer to the question of ‘what if you are wrong’ is not immediately dismissed you have a problem.
There is no room for doubt in Starups.
Uncertainty yes, but doubt cripples you and hijacks the mind.
Uncertainty is an essential necessity. It is your most faithful companion and you will ride it relentlessly until you are overwhelmed by your own success. It should be embraced like an old friend and questioned until it is understood. Uncertainty is what fuels the rocket. Answering those eternal worries is what prevents you ever stalling.
Doubt consumes you.
If the answer to being wrong is that you are scared you might be you owe it to yourself and your investor to quit.
There is no room for doubt to reach it to the top.
My admiration for the greats is the conviction in what they say. If you don’t believe the message you are delivering 100% how can you expect other people to subscribe.
Steve Job’s genius might have been his attention to detail. It might have been his ability to inspire other people.
His greatness to me was his unflinching belief in his own idea.
Steve failed, he had every right to doubt everything he never did, yet he made his way back on a path of uncertainty.
You must never waver when you are challenged. Challenges enable resilience and that is the most valuable resource you will ever possess.
Business is hard, never doubt it.
But if you fear being wrong don’t get out of bed.
Embrace uncertainty, be radically candid in your assessment of your service, never give up on your dreams.
Only then can you change the world.