Success in life is all about marketing.
What can you make other people believe about yourself, the product or service you are trying to push?
The information doesn’t even have to be “true.”
By this , I don’t mean that it can be false. By not true I mean not factually accurate. Often marketing claims are unverifiable — they become true because people believe them.
It’s only necessary that other people become committed to the narrative you push. Your agenda must become their agenda which can then become a revolution. It must inspire others and appeal to who they are.
It doesn’t even have to make them feel good.
Often it’s more powerful to rile your base of supporters with issues they are all upset about.
It’s about making people align themselves with your vision. Can you appeal to their sense of purpose or aspire to the future you portray.
Marketing is about aspirations and a desire for more. Lust for a better life
And marketing is all about signaling.
We pursue marketing on many fronts. We get a degree to display our competency. We attend training courses to expand our…